My Site Creations 应用

Himnario Cristiano 3.0.0
Himnario de Cristianos congregados en elnombre del Señor Jesucristo.Tiene música y partitura por unos himnos (por Miguel Mosquera)pero se necesita conexión al Internet para oír la música y ver lapartitura.Está disponible en otros formatos al sitio hay anuncios.Hymnal Christiansgathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.It has music and score by hymns (by Miguel Mosquera) butInternet connection is needed to hear the music and see thescore.It is available in other formats to the site ads.
Make Your Own Hymnal 1.2.3
Create your own hymn book or song book with this app and share itwith others!Includes lyrics search and number entry taking you straight tothe hymn you are looking for.$1,000 from the (future) sale of this app have gone to themissionary family of Josiah Dyck, who is battling leukemia, REPORTS: Please email support@mysitecreations.combefore rating poorly. I cannot fix them if I do not know theyexist!WARNING: Adding copyrighted songs is against the law and isstrictly prohibited. The only possible exception might be if youalready own the physical hymnal and do not share your digital copywith anyone. The developer assumes no responsibility for anyviolations of copyright.FEATURES:- Create up to three different hymnals- Share your hymn books via email for others to import to theirMYOH app- No ads- Lyrics search (case and punctuation insensitive, search termshighlighted)- Zoom functionality- Night mode display option- Easy number entry- Add index of first lines- Browse all hymns- Installs to SD card- Bookmark songs- Mark songs as favorites- History of viewed songs (for that session)- Add hymn authors- Author search- Includes:Good Old Gospel Hymns hymnal (58 hymns),Favorite Hymns HymnalThe Children's Hymn Book- Also available for iOS so you can share your hymnal with thoseusers too!INSTRUCTIONS are now found within the app under settings.Hymnal functionality is basically the same as My Site Creations'free Believers Hymnbook App (with the additional functionality ofmaking your own)Demonstration Videos:
Favorite Hymns & Hymnals Premium 3.1.0
My Site Creations
This app contains 9 hymnals containing 1400+ hymns and Christiansongs lyrics (along with some audio). The audio (approx. 600 tunes)is basic-- the purpose of this app is to aid in singing rather thanto provide music recordings to listen to. The reason this app isnot free is it contains lyrics to over 90 copyrighted Christiansongs and hymns (no audio for copyrighted songs at this point).Over a year of researching, licensing, coding, and waiting foradministrators has gone into adding the copyrighted hymns alone.This may be the only app of its kind to contain these hymns. Someof these hymns include: - How Deep the Father's Love for Us - HowGreat Thou Art - You are my all in all - The Power of the Cross -He Touched Me - In Christ Alone - Majesty - Great is ThyFaithfulness - The Crayon Box Song - and many more (A full listingmay be found at HYMNALS: - Favorite Hymns Premium (Favorites from thehymnals below along with others, including Christmas carols.) - TheBelievers Hymn Book (465 hymns with tunes, all tunes present) - TheChildren's Hymn Book 1987 Premium (missing 9 of 161 songs; 7 bonussongs) - Classic Gospel Hymns (58 hymns, all present) - Gospel HymnBook North America 1989 (256 hymns, all present) - Gospel Hymn BookNorth America 2001 (407 hymns, all present) - Gospel Hymn Book UK1897 (712 hymns, all present.) - Gospel Hymn Book UK 1996 (795hymns, 5 missing) - Seed Sowers Camp Hymnal (170 songs with 65copyrighted, only 8 of which are unavailable. Includes some Spanishtranslations.) FEATURES: - Easily enter a hymn number to godirectly to that hymn - Search lyrics (case and punctuationinsensitive) - Search by meter, author, tune - Play tunes onselected hymns (Internet access required) - Zoom functionality -Night mode display option - Alphabetical index of first lines -Browse hymns by number - No ads - Option to install to SD Pleasecontact with installation issues, featurerequests or hymn requests rather than commenting on the app store.If you rate low, comment with an explanation, or better yet, emailme to get it resolved first.
The Gospel Hymn Book UK 1897/1996 Free 4.0.1
The Gospel Hymn Book Published by The Northern PublishingOfficeU.K. Ltd. in 1897 and 1996. ** 15 copyrighted hymns arenotincluded in 1996 Free for regulatory reasons. ** Older devicesandother Operating Systems: gospel hymns. - No ads - Simple interface - Changefontsize - Mark favorites & bookmarks - Add custom notes foreachhymn "Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again"John3:7. G od so loved the world that He gave His O nly begotten Son,that whosoever believeth in Him should not P erish, but haveEverlasting L ife - John 3:16. "Whoso offereth praiseglorifiethMe." Ps. 50:23. The following abbreviations at the top ofthe Hymnsrefer to the Tune Books in which the tune suggested assuitablewill be found:- S.S.- Songs and Solos (1200 Edition),Messrs.Morgan & Scott. S.S.(888) - Songs and Solos (888 or750Edition), Messrs. Morgan & Scott. N.H.& S.- New HymnsandSolos, Messrs. Morgan & Scott. S.G.- Songs of theGospel,Messrs. Morgan & Scott. c.c.- Christian Choir, Messrs.Morgan& Scott. E.H.B.- Evangelistic Hymn Book, John RitchieLtd.B.H.B.- Believer's Hymn Book, Messrs. Pickering & Inglis.R.S.-Redemption Songs, Messrs. Pickering & Inglis. S.V.- SongsofVictory, Messrs. Pickering & Inglis. Old S.V.- EarlierEditionof Songs of Victory. A.H.B.- Alexander Hymn Book, MarshallBrothersLimited. P.S.H.- Popular Sacred Harmonies, Tubbs &Co.,Manchester. G.S.- Gospel Songs, John Bateman, London.C.S.-Celestial Songs, Oliphants Ltd., London. May the Lord begraciouslypleased to use this little book to the blessing ofsinners and theedification of saints, for Jesus sake! Belfast,January 1897.
Believers Hymn Book 2.0.4
For newer devices, please use "Believers Hymn Book +" app instead.
Himnos del Evangelio 2.1.3
Himnario "Himnos del Evangelio" de cristianos congregados enelNombre del Señor Jesucristo en Venezuela. Versión Internet(HTML5app): * 585 himnos entotal *No comerciales * Algunos himnos tienen audio * Incluye corosparaniños
Favorite Hymns & Hymnals 3.1.0
This app contains lyrics along with some audio to hundreds ofhymns,to aid in learning new hymns and tunes. Its purpose is toaid insinging rather than to provide music recordings to listento. *Computer version & other app optionsat * with installation issues or hymnrequestsrather than commenting on the app store. Born out of adesire topromote the singing of favorite hymns anywhere anytime,this freeAndroid app lets you do just that! - 7 hymnals with 700+hymns andchoruses --- Favorite Hymns --- The Believers Hymn Book--- TheChildren's Hymn Book 1987 --- Classic Gospel Hymns ---Gospel HymnBook North America 1989 --- Gospel Hymn Book NorthAmerica 2001 ---Gospel Hymn Book UK 1897 - Search lyrics (case andpunctuationinsensitive) - Search by meter, author, tune - Playtunes onselected hymns (Internet access required) - Zoomfunctionality -Night mode display option - Easy number entry -Alphabetical indexof first lines - Listing by number - Choose hymnby number forgroup singing - Browse all hymns - No ads - Option toinstall to SD- Includes Christmas songs suitable for caroling Easylink to thispage: Note: Most hymnsare in thepublic domain. Favorite Hymns Premium is planned whichwill includesome copyrighted hymns. If you rate low, comment withanexplanation, or better yet, email me to get it resolved first.
Himnos del Evangelio 2 5.1.0
Hymns of the Gospel with audio
Favorite Hymns / Hymnals 6.1.3
Lyrics for 11 hymnals with some audio
Himnario Mensajes del Amor de 4.0.12
6th edition of the hymnbook with sheet music and music - HMAD
Favorite Hymns/Hymnals Premium 6.1.3
Lyrics for 11 hymnals, including 90 copyrighted hymns, withsomeaudio.
Believers Hymn Book + 6.1.3
The BHB with audio + gospel hymnals
Himnario Mensajes Amor Dios 2 6.2.0
Himnario Mensajes del Amor de Dios 6a edición con partitura ymúsica- HMAD
Himnario Cristiano 2 6.2.4
Hymnal of Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.